Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Together We Can ReBuffalo

For many years Buffalonians have wondered when their hometown would finally shed all the negative stereotypes and very real problems that have plagued us. Anyone who has ever resided in Western New York, and many who live outside of our region know them: "Rust Belt", "Snow Belt", poverty, vacant housing, etc. The list is long, but those of us who know Buffalo also know why we choose to be here, because that list is even longer: "City of Good Neighbors", "Blue Collar Work Ethic", "Sports Town", historic architecture, art, culture, great neighborhoods, etc.

With so much going for us and so many people who are passionate about our city how is it possible that we have been facing some of the same challenges for so long? Many have addressed this question, with brilliant answers that point to economics, politics, culture, and other factors. Though all of these factors undoubtedly have played a roll, my favorite answer to this question points a finger at a lack of collaboration. For many decades Buffalonians and Western New Yorkers have found too little common ground from which to take on the challenges facing our region.

If it is a lack of collaboration between citizens, government, businesses, and local organizations that is holding us back, then we Buffalonians have two directions to choose from. We can either continue to follow our countless individual agendas or we can get serious about finding common ground. We can continue to focus on our problems or we can turn the challenges we face into opportunities for new and innovative solutions. As Jack from the TV series Lost used to say, "if we can't live together, we're going to die alone."

The purpose of his blog, and of the website that is currently in development, is to facilitate new and innovative community projects that will improve the quality of life of everyone who calls themselves a Buffalonian, whether they happen to live within the city limits or in the burbs. The website, once it is launched, will be kind of like (the online dating site), but for community projects and collective action. It will allow individuals and groups to find common interests, ideas, and projects and develop action plans for taking these projects from the drawing board to the community. It will give businesses and foundations the opportunity to find ideas and projects that they would like help fund, and it will provide non-profit organizations with more volunteers to assist them with their ongoing efforts. will facilitate community revitalization through online collaboration that leads to real world progress.

The ReBuffalo blog will complement the website by providing examples of innovative urban projects that are happening in Buffalo and throughout the world. My hope is that the examples provided in this blog will inspire ideas, plans, and projects in Buffalo and show that real progress is possible when we choose to put aside differences to find common ground. I hope that you enjoy the blog, and I hope that you will join me as together we ReBuffalo.

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